Tana River Basin Information System

The Tana River Basin geodatabase has been designed based on a thematic structure that integrates geographic information from different sources. This thematic structure helps us to understand the roles of different organizations working within the basin and the key objective of producing their spatial data. The credibility of information and their contribution towards research and development are also recorded in metadata. Thus, the geodatabase comprises a complete package that specifies the content, and representation of each thematic layer, including its source of information, originator, scale and credibility.
The geodatabase data structure consists of different types of geographic information system (GIS) data, including attribute data, geographic features, Raster Images, surface modeling three-dimensional (3D) data, utility and transportation network systems, Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates and survey measurements.
To achieve the objective of identifying optimal configurations of natural and built infrastructure on landscapes in the Tana River Basin, a comprehensive coverage of themes, along with a wide range of GIS layers, have been collected from different organizations within the basin.
Baseline Review and Ecosystem Services Assessment of the Tana River Basin, Kenya
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This work was undertaken as part of the Water Infrastructure Solutions from Ecosystem Services Underpinning Climate Resilient Policies and Programmes (WISE-UP to Climate) project. The project is generating knowledge on how to implement mixed portfolios of built water infrastructure (e.g., dams, levees, irrigation channels) and natural infrastructure (e.g., wetlands, floodplains, forests) that contribute to poverty reduction; water, energy and food security; biodiversity conservation; and climate resilience at a landscape scale. WISE-UP to Climate aims to demonstrate the application of optimal portfolios of built and natural infrastructure developed through dialogue with stakeholders and decision-makers at multiple levels (local to national) to identify and find consensus on trade-offs. The project also seeks to link ecosystem services to water infrastructural development in the Volta River Basin (Ghana principally, and also Burkina Faso) as well as the Tana River Basin in Kenya.
The project is led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and involves the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - Water Research Institute (CSIRWRI); African Collaborative Centre for Earth System Science (ACCESS), University of Nairobi; International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Overseas Development Institute (ODI); University of Manchester; and the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3). This project is part of the International Climate Initiative. Bundesministerium fur Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety), Germany, support this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.