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A lot of hydrological and water resources modeling is going on in the world - in small and large basins, regionally and globally. There is hardly any coordination of these efforts, and due to lack of coordination many modeling exercises are repetitive. Significant resources are spent but there is no common place to access the results of simulation, the data files that were used. There is hardly any online source available where researchers can get access to the actual model setups. IWMI's Model Inventory provides a platform to the researchers and scientists, across the globe, with access not only to the model outputs but to the actual model setup files as well, to be downloaded freely. The users have to register in order to get the download privileges, just to keep track of users and to assess the importance/demand for a particular model or a river basin. All the model setups available through the model inventory carries a metadata, links to the relevant publications and link to download the setup files.